Today LICtalk turns three years old. Like most 3-year olds, we’re talking up a storm, but it’s not just nonsense.
Nothing highlights this better than an article by Michael Musto in last week’s New York Times entitled “Are Manhattanites Becoming Brooklyn’s Bridge-and-Tunnel Crowd?” Why? Because two years to the day prior, LICtalk published “There Are No More New Yorkers Living in Manhattan” whose concluding sentence was:
“Go figure, the next thing you know Manhattanites will be referred to as Bridge and Tunnel people.”
Oofah! Hey, we don’t mean to suggest any, …ahem, poaching. Instead, we’d prefer to highlight how incredibly ahead-of-the-curve, intuitive, and penetrating the ideas are on LICtalk. So what if the writing is still infantile?
Nowhere else can you find insights like this about Long Island City. Nevertheless despite our perspicacity, we also provide you a compendium of run-of-the-mill yet well-curated news. One great example of this was emailed to us last week from a local reader. It is a review of Mr. Nilsson, where the writer gushes:
“…it’s probably the most aspirational restaurant in Queens, superceding M. Wells Steakhouse and with a more varied menu than Mu Ramen. The presentation, thoughtfulness and quality exceeds anything I’ve had in Queens with the exception of…”
Yet we need more stories and earth-shattering tips1like this to survive a fourth year. Please email them to editor@lictalk.com. Or you can send us a pic of yourself in your birthday suit, and we’ll start an LICtalk centerfold and skip the long-winded soliloquy’s.
Are Manhattanites Becoming Brooklyn’s Bridge-and-Tunnel Crowd? – The long-running party hostess Susanne Bartsch even managed to get me to another fabulous borough — Queens — with a flamboyant fiesta at MoMA PS1
Mr. Nilsson Restaurant Review – by Pookipichu, who’s reviewed several restaurants in the neighborhood
- well, by LIC-standards anyway: new restaurant/store opening/closings, political scandals, celebrity sightings, etc. You know, the superficial stuff The Editor abhors hunting down himself [↩]
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