There seems to be a theme to today’s LIC news: Unlike the straightforward photo above, most of what’s reported on is not visible to the casual observer. Starting off we have a high tech 3D laser manufacturing plant opening here in the summer. At the complete other end of the spectrum is the arrival of the last Yiddish bookstore in NYC. It’s right by the LIE so you can pick up an opus on your way back from the Hamptons. Next up is a story on the $8 billion dollar underground Queens version of the Big Dig going on in the no-man’s land of LIC. Finally, in the “These Are the People In Your Neighborhood” column, comes the sexual dreams, fantasies, and doings of a 29 year old LIC lesbian, in case you always pondered “Hmm, I wonder what’s going on in say, apartment 909” Sorry no pictures.
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High-Tech Manufacturing Plant to open In LIC This Summer
A New Home For An Endangered Yiddish Bookstore
Clashing Underground – Competing Agendas Push Back – and Add to Costs of-East Side Access Project