You’re lookin for you
Were lookin at each other and we don’t know what to do
If time is money, then living in Long Island City is the jackpot. This weekend’s real estate section of The New York Times will reiterate that maxim in an article entitled “Long Island City for the Good Commute,” whereby a young accountant who while previously living in his parents home in central NJ stated:
“On the train, “I would read and sometimes I would work, but other than that I would be pretty much miserable,”
Thus, pick whatever antonym for ‘miserable’ you’d like, and that’s what it means to live in LIC, and only LIC. As we asked over two years ago, why torture yourself and live anywhere else? Sometimes the simplest solution is the best. Fortunately for the protagonist in this story, he came to the same conclusion after paying up and moving into 47-20 Center Boulevard. Because it’s all about that commute, no trouble:
His quality of life has improved dramatically “now that I have three and three-quarter hours of my life back on a daily basis,” he said. …“I definitely thank my friend every day for tipping me off to Long Island City.”
//Hey LICsters, there’s another reason to live in LIC, and we get to celebrate it twice a year during the warm weather months. I’m talking about ManhattanHenge, which is that moment when the setting sun lines up perfectly with the grid of Manhattan streets. In 2015 it occurs this Saturday, May 30 @ 8:12pm, and then again on July 12. Increasingly, photographers have been choosing the LIC waterfront as the ideal location to capture this moment. They gravitate towards bridge separating the two pair of Gantries, as it is directly across from the double-wide 42nd Street. Also, the day before is a good time to capture a picture, especially if the weather is clear.
//Finally, The Who play Forest Hills Stadium tomorrow night. The first time since, gulp, 1971!
Long Island City for the Good Commute – increasing proof that Center Boulevard = Central Park West. Welcome to the neighborhood Anthony, make sure to read LICtalk every day.
ManhattanHenge – “Position yourself as far east in Manhattan as possible” Or better yet, get the whole skyline and come to LIC Neil!
50 Things To Do in Astoria & LIC This Summer – great checklist from WeHeartLIC
LIC Company Puts New Twist on Food Cart Business – “A Long Island City-based company is looking to change the way the food cart business operates in New York City”
[…] Uh-huh, we completely agree. […]