Any resemblance to a normal multi-section newspaper is purely coincidental
POLITICS – for quite some time the lights on the Empire State Building have gone dark to honor the victims in various mass shootings. Whether it be Pittsburgh or Parkland, Orlando or Vegas, San Bernardino or Charleston, the frequency of the shootings in recent years has programmed me to automatically make the link between seeing the darkened tower and whatever city the tragedy occurs. Monday night was the exception, when the owners decided to “rebroadcast” their “Gun Violence Awareness Day” orange lighting from just this past June, in sympathy with El Paso and Dayton. Hopefully it’s not the only exception made in regards to this issue.
//MORE POLITICS – Tiffany Caban finally conceded the Queens DA primary race last night, six weeks after it was run. Not much new to say about this relatively back-water inconsequential primary the press took to new heights in an off-year politically in a hope to divine the tea leaves. What was interesting was seeing Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney showing up at the one-block long 49th Ave Community Unity Street Fair on a mid-August evening. Despite serving NYC in DC successively since 1993, it looks like no one’s taking anything for granted in 2020 – which is not an off-year politically.
//REAL ESTATE – according to a press release issued today, Skyline Tower in Court Square has sold 25% of its 800 units at an average of $1,583 a Sq ft. in the 2.5 months since they went on sale. Less than a month ago I mused about the lack of sales announcements, worrying that the sluggishness in the NYC condo sales market was affecting those in LIC as well. Clearly it is not! Well in this building’s case anyway, as a single data point doesn’t confirm a trend. A tip of the hat to Jerome Powell? Maybe, but as I noted last month, persistent high monthly rental prices might be bringing buyers off the sidelines – 2-bdrms are both asking $6k a month1 at 47-20 Center Blvd and Eagle Lofts in Court Square. Not to mention a strong labor market, especially here in NYC. Will it be sustainable post the summer rush? Will individuals from China curtail purchases in light of recent headlines? Who knows, but we’ll be watching closely for other signs of life in the LIC sales market.
//SPORTS – the Mets have won 9 of their last 10 games and are in the middle of a heated three-way battle for the final National League wild card spot, that’s all there is for sports in August.
Tower Lights Empire State Building – click here to see what the colors mean on any given night, and remember “When they Tie-Dye The Crown, The Dead Are in Town“
Tiffany Caban Concedes Queens DA Race, Dashing Progressives Hopes – but just in case, you may want to hug a few babies in the outer boros on occasion
NY Times Takes 3 Floors in Court Square – will move 350 employees to LIC
Ghosts in LIC – check out this old sign uncovered on Jackson Ave after a recent demolition
Ravel Hotel Completes Transformation – new tower and renovation now open
Astoria’s LIC’s New Food Hall Arrives This Fall With Up To a Dozen New Restaurants – where is the northern border of LIC?
LIC School of Ballet to Host Free Trial Classes – this Fall
- net effective rent after concessions [↩]
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