HERE we are, September. Despite the heat, summer is over if you’re a kid, and the season is over for the Mets and most likely the Yankees too. But hope springs anew for Jets and Giant fans. Will their souls be crushed by winter? Probably, but here’s what’s going on closer to home.
Murasaki on Vernon Boulevard has closed according to a sign on their window. But the same sign says a new Japanese restaurant is coming soon, and rumors have it the new owners are those of Cyclo down the street and it will specialize in Japanese street food. And in the equilibrium department for every one that closes another opens, in this case a restaurant in Dutch Kills by the name of ‘fer,’ founded by the owners of Burp Bowl Cafe, a Chinese restaurant in Manhattan.
China replaces Japan, a trend that has been occurring in this city and globally since 1994. And now it continues in LIC.
//But technically the summer is not over. Exercise classes continue on the Oval through the end of September according to the Hunters Point Parks Conservancy. Fitness then Yoga on Mondays at 6pm and 7pm, and Zumba on Wednesdays at 7pm. Zumba on the waterfront!
And Culture Lab will continue to have live music outdoors every weekend, including the Robert Whaley 5 on September 29, a man who can best be described as the opposite of Taylor Swift, and the show is priced accordingly. Check it out!
Burp Bowl Cafe – noodles for all and to all a good night
Culture Lab – get yourself some Culture this Fall
LIC Office Building Converted Into Shelter To House 1,000 Migrants – on Austell Place
Curious, does Julie Won have to sign off on the migrant office conversion in LIC?
lol no all from Mayor’s office