Hit “Publish”, go downstairs and get a cab, and I am off for my annual August jaunt to St. Tropez! Oh man, where are all the taxis? It’s a good thing I live in Queens and have 45 minutes before my flight to Nice takes off from JFK. Anyway, I am going to use this column to practice my Franglais and get a a little head start on my tip for mixing in with the locals. It usually begins on the plane as I flirt with the stewardesses attending to me in First Class. Unfortunately they all speak fluent English, so my attempts at French end up being of minimal value. Then, after I land, I test it again by joking with the Immigration and Customs officials. Though I think that last August it might possibly have been the reason I was given a full “examen du corps” in a separate chambre. By the time I get into the taxi to the hotel, I am too exhausted to even bother with anything but English. Unfortunately most French cabbies don’t speak a word of it, inevitably resulting in major snafus such as ending up at L’Hotel Ouest instead of L’Hotel Est across town, sacre bleu!
Yet my attempts at going native inevitably perk up again by sunset as I down my first glass of champagne. By midnight I am in full throng, and sprinkling in a few words of Spanish in my lightheadedness. By the time I’ve hit double digit cocktails, it is not uncommon for me to affect a British accent to augment the aforementioned. Finally, come dawn, I am usually incoherent and dancing naked by myself in Le discotheque. At which point it really doesn’t matter, because all the women are speaking Russian, and they are giving nothing away.
Hey reader, might you be in St. Tropez at this time? Maybe we can hookup? You can find me late night every night at Les Caves du Roy. Just ask le garcon pour “L’Editeur.” Trust me, he knows exactly who I am.
Mais je digresse, and there is alot of LIC information to report on in the last week. I am happy to say that most of it is good, and some of it is great. First off, is the news of another beer garden, this one coming to the waterfront, as previously hinted at about a month ago. Now we get confirmation and a lot of detail and photos, including the fact that it is expected next summer. I should just stop there and leave for my vacation humming from that news, but there is also an excellent article from the Philly Enquirer about taking the family on a culinary trip through Queens. It commences in LIC and there are a lot of very good ethnic recommendations. Plus the author is a huge fan of the boro, so dig in! Lastly, as I mentioned, I will be away for a little while so there will not be any updates. In the meantime, I highly recommend you take the time to read through the previous post, especially if you have, or are expecting to have children and live in LIC.
Finally, I am happy to report on a new restaurant coming to Long Island City. It is called OpenDoor and it will be located on 50th Avenue between Vernon and Jackson(next to Ihawan). I spoke with one of the owners, Nick Guitart, who will also be the chef, and he told me they will be serving “affordable, small, American plates” and that they expect to be open by October. C’est magnifique, see you in a week! …or deux.
Floating Beer Garden Dropping Anchor In LIC – I expect that by next summer people will be coming to LIC in August instead of St. Tropez
The World Comes To Queens – what’s the next best thing to a beer garden? A cheesesteak! So these Philly people know what they’re talking about when it comes to food
The 30-Minute Interview: Justin Elghanayan – how timely! They expect to start renting the 700 apartments in the Spring, and will be following it up with 1100 more, for a total of 1800! “Hello Justin, have you heard about the school situation in the neighborhood where your biggest project is finishing?”
New York Graffiti Haven Braces For Gentrification – per the owner “C’est La Vie”
Jersey City Development Is On The March To Greater Heights – concludes with “Eat your heart out,Long Island City” Umm no dear Post author, I think the comparison you meant to make was with Ft. Lee
Bike Share Program Delayed Until Spring Says Mayor
Socrates Sculpture Park’s 25th Anniversary
Giant JetBlue Sign Lands On Queens Plaza Rooftop – too bad they don’t fly to France