LET’S face it, St. Paddy’s Day can be ruinous for the constitution. While some may claim that man can live on Guinness alone, they make no mention of Irish whiskey. When you’re ready to detox, a good place to start might be acai berries, which contain many antioxidants. Heretofore unavailable this side of the East River, a new acai bowl/smoothie place is coming to nurture the residents of Long Island City.
It’s called The North Bowl and it will be a pop-up in 46-33 Vernon Boulevard. That address also happens to be the location of Manducati’s Rustica, and the North Bowl will take up the front part of the front room, serving from the street facing window with a back garden available in the warm weather as well as delivery services.
The menu is fast casual with healthy options, and gives a nod to some Nordic themes. In addition to acai bowls and smoothies, there will be Smorrebrod – which are toasts and sandwiches, as well as cinnamon buns and various oatmeal offerings. The owner is an LIC resident and he expects a soft opening hopefully by mid-April. They’ll be announcing more via IG when all is set up and offering some neighborhood discounts @thenorthbowl
“Only when the tide goes out do you discover who’s been swimming naked”
Warren B.
//’OH look, a sign of business as usual’ I thought upon reading a press release this week announcing a $131 million construction loan given/taken for a 35-story/240 unit residential building planned for Court Square. Typically lenders of this type of loan have some margin for error in that the borrowers put up equity (and/or land) which gets extinguished first in case the development doesn’t work out according to plan. Yet after the financial turmoil of the past week, I couldn’t help but be blown away by reminded of – it has been ~15 years – how quickly that equity can evaporate.
Nevertheless we’ve already noted how thin that equity can be in some places, and how optimistic and cheery the initial press releases announcing those deals were. And while that equity was for commercial office space, which is already on the cusp of what looks like a whole lot of trouble as high vacancies are turning the corner and becoming defaulted loans, I can’t help but wonder who’s still doing deals of this size? Well the answer is right there in the press release, sort of. Corebridge Financial? (formerly AIG, tee-hee hee), PCCP LLC? Can you have a name more obscure than that, even though your website states that you manage $21 billion and have offices in New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Atlanta? LIC has come a long way from Bailey Building & Loan, but the silver lining of capitalistic excess might ironically be lower rents.
“How did you go bankrupt?” Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”
Ernest H.
The North Bowl – see the current menu here
Tishman Speyer Debuts Sushi Nikko Restaurant at The JACX in Long Island City, Queens – I think this is replacing Temakase Hand Rolls
Juan Ardila Accused of Sexual Assault – that’s our State Assemblyman, yikes!
[…] places to check out are The North Bowl, which is currently undergoing a soft-opening, and Gulp – a new Taiwanese restaurant coming […]